Hebei Chunke Filter Screen Co.,Ltd.

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  • Stainless Steel Spinning Filter Packs
Stainless Steel Spinning Filter Packs

Stainless Steel Spinning Filter Packs

We manufacture all kinds of specifications spinning filter packs used for the polyester stable fiber,polyester oriental yarn,polypropylene yarn and acrylic yarn.The material is stainless steel wire mesh screen and aluminum bound in circle and square shapes.The mesh sizes of spinning filter disc is according to the accurate microns ratings.
Mesh sizes: 18 mesh, 24 mesh, 30 mesh, 50 mesh, 60 mesh, 80 mesh, 100 mesh, 120 mesh, 150 mesh

Contact Us

Name: Mr.Dan

Tel: +86-15531801763

E-mail: [email protected]

QQ: 1596192332

WeChat: 15531801763

Add: No.161 Ronghua Street,Hengshui City,Hebei,P.R.China 053000

QQ: 1596192332 spinpackfilter@gmail.com