Hebei Chunke Filter Co.,Ltd.

Airless Spray Gun Filter

We produce all kinds of airless spray gun filters used for Titan paint spary gun.The material are made from high quality stainless steel wire mesh and nylon.Our filters mainly replacement for Titan 400,Titan 440,Titan 440i,Titan LX-80,Titan LX-80II,Wagner SprayTech LCX 130 etc.

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Contact Us

Name: Mr.Dan

Tel: +86-15531801763

E-mail: filter@filtrationwiremesh.com

QQ: 1596192332

WeChat: 15531801763

Add: No.161 Ronghua Street,Hengshui City,Hebei,P.R.China 053000

QQ: 1596192332 filter@filtrationwiremesh.com