Hebei Chunke Filter Co.,Ltd.

Stainless Steel Wire Cloth

 Stainless steel wire cloth becoming an important filter media in the plastic and rubber industry,the main material of wire cloth are SUS304,SUS304L,SUS316,SUSL16L.We can supply the mill certificate to guarantee the quality of the stainless steel wire.Weave types of filter wire cloth including plain weave,twilled weave,dutch plain weave,twill dutch weave and reverse dutch weave.Chunke can make almost the full mesh size specifications wire cloth,and the wider wire cloth is 8000mm.

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Contact Us

Name: Mr.Dan

Tel: +86-15531801763

E-mail: filter@filtrationwiremesh.com

QQ: 1596192332

WeChat: 15531801763

Add: No.161 Ronghua Street,Hengshui City,Hebei,P.R.China 053000

QQ: 1596192332 filter@filtrationwiremesh.com