Hebei Chunke Filter Co.,Ltd.

Wire Mesh Filters

 The material of wire mesh filters are stainless steel wire cloth,perforated metal,stainless steel expanded metals,woven wire mesh can be make small filters in cone shape,cylindrical,and circular to match the dimensions required by different applications industry.Mostly stainless steel mesh filters formed by spot weld or punching processing,so the finish need the pickling and polishing to make the surface very bright.Our professional design team can be help you choose the suitable mesh size and opening wire cloth for the filters you want to fit the machine.To creat a filter,it need open new toolings,after years production,Chunke filter have thousands of toolings that make all kinds of mesh filters.
Main material of the mesh filters: SUS304, SUS316, SUS316L

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Contact Us

Name: Mr.Dan

Tel: +86-15531801763

E-mail: filter@filtrationwiremesh.com

QQ: 1596192332

WeChat: 15531801763

Add: No.161 Ronghua Street,Hengshui City,Hebei,P.R.China 053000

QQ: 1596192332 filter@filtrationwiremesh.com