Hebei Chunke Filter Co.,Ltd.

Extruder Screen

Extruder screens is cut from the stainless steel wire cloth and black wire cloth into different shapes including circular,oval,rounded,rectangular and hollow circle.Any other shaples of extruder screen filter can be customized as drawing or sample.the most frquently used wire mesh is plain weave,twill weave,dutch plain weave types.
The single layers screen is most simple filter,two layers or several layers wire mesh packs is assembled by spot welding and aluminum framed.Each wire mesh have a different mesh size to make the perfect filtration of the filter screen packs.When replace the used extruder screen filter,it need to know and keep the same wire diameter and mesh sizes of the new screen supplier,we also can measure the mesh size and wire diameter if you send the used screen packs sample to our company.For the structure of filter packs,the fine mesh size 100 mesh or 120 mesh inside and 18 mesh and 20 mesh always outside the screen to make the extruder screen more rigid.

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Contact Us

Name: Mr.Dan

Tel: +86-15531801763

E-mail: filter@filtrationwiremesh.com

QQ: 1596192332

WeChat: 15531801763

Add: No.161 Ronghua Street,Hengshui City,Hebei,P.R.China 053000

QQ: 1596192332 filter@filtrationwiremesh.com